Friday, June 18, 2010

Fruits of the corporate casualty

While cleaning out the offices of the fallen this afternoon, I exhumed a few prize artifacts from the glory days of corporate America. The neat, bright stacks of Post-its have been relocated to my cubicle, as has a luxe plastic pen organization tower. Stress balls and 2004 manuals have been tossed. In any case, while pilfering the nice felt tip pens, I came across an inexplicable stack of printed cards.
I assume that they were portents for some antiquated corporate team-building game. One simply reads: "Abrupt." Another, "Puzzled." Yet another, "Genuinely pleased," which seems a tall order for a bunch of loose-tied managerial lads to act out, if indeed these are dramatic cues of the Strasbergian school. In response to the card asking: "Does this work set the standard you have set for yourself?" Yes. I generally expected to be potting about doing nothing work-related by 4 o'clock on a Friday. Here's one for the infamous to-do list I keep preemptively scribbled on my white board:
You will note also, that after my expedition into the bowels of stationary purgatory, the stapler corral has grown. There is, in fact, quite a mean posse of staplers assembled in the copy room, waiting for a cause.
Of course my favorite relic of a Golden Yesterday is the hole puncher we still make heavy use of: the Rhino-tuff.
Seen here flashing its all-iron durability, the machine must be gently swept with the above brush after usage, to get all the confetti out. Tickly.

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