The "fight to the finish" is a rite of passage for the fun-runner, mini-triathlete and cyclist alike. For 30 hot seconds those approaching the finish line can forget their woeful pace and joust a senior citizen to pull an o.22 improvement on their "time," clawing their way up the finishing list by one place and finishing mildly hypoxic. It is an important act of diversion for competitors still out on the course when the winners have already consumed their post-race carb buffet and beers, podiumed, and returned home to watch "The Bill" re-runs.

1. The t-shirt. This royal blue light-weight cotton jersey has been custom designed for the American Dad that completes one act of heroism a year, and spends the other 11 months wearing the resulting t-shirt to company events and barbecues, no matter how unattractive the design. The "medium" assigned to me could generously fit an endomorph with ease, and the picture appears to have been assembled via PowerPoint clip art. Nice to see they didn't just bang in the gratuitous Rockies silhouette, but managed to squeeze the Qwest building in also.

3. (Not pictured: assorted coupons.) Straight into the bin went the Lasik eye surgery coupon, real estate brochures and $5 real buxxs to some Denver restaurant I've never heard of. Also, advertising for bike servicing priced to match your position on the corporate ladder: for a quick tune-up, the "Executive Tune"; for the deluxe treatment, the "Golden Parachute True and Tune." For the woman who has had a hard day - either riding 100 miles, or simply downsizing the firm - try the "Chardonnay Tune" with complimentary Yellow Tail aperitif.
All of which convinces me that the ride organizers are not expecting much of me, and will be placing more port-a-loos around the course than is strictly necessary. Between the textureless energy food, weak cordial and constant bathroom breaks, I'm looking forward to it almost as much as old age, which I may have reached by the time I finish.
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