Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"I Still Care (But Not That Much)" - a musical of hipster riches

Following, is the "overture," if you will, for the as-yet incomplete collaborative musical set to capture the zeitgeist; today's disillusioned, raggy-haired youth, inspired by the winter 2010 Urban Outfitters catalogue. Penned during Thanksgiving dinner by the ever-talented Patty Ho and myself is the first musical number, which still lacks music. Please enjoy the open-source, non-copyright, non-trademarked "Song of Dahren," tentatively subtitled "I want my tree house back (I don't wanna grow up)." Dahren is pictured lower center.

Dahren's Song

I used to turn tables, now I rock farm to table.
My decks used to spin hardcore, now I hand-sand my hardwood floors,
and smoke weed on my Huron deck -
did I mention my cousin's friend is friends with Blind Pilot?

I went out looking for truffles, but freeganism found me
dumpster diving in second-hand Dickies and my mum's paisley blouse,
in the middle of a forest, by a tall oak tree,
with a cast of other spirits in our flannel Urban tees, in Portland.

The great highs I once sought were just
lows of false choices
made in a community of myself.

I just layer on foraged clothes, like the fads that I seek,
rock my mossy beard, slackline through mid-adulthood
I've got a t-shirt with Hemingway on it, and might read him one day
I hear he's concise, knows all about sea shells - that's neat, too.

I want my tree house back, I want to build a ladder to tomorrow
a tomorrow with neat bands and soy dandelion lattes
and an honest humanity to see in me their skinny-jeansed reflection
animals of this earth in Her boughs playing Scrabble.

The great highs I once sought were just
lows of false choices
made in a community of myself.
Great highs I sought
just lows of false choices
a community of myself
[to fade]

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