Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"I Still Care (But Not That Much)" - a musical of hipster riches

Following, is the "overture," if you will, for the as-yet incomplete collaborative musical set to capture the zeitgeist; today's disillusioned, raggy-haired youth, inspired by the winter 2010 Urban Outfitters catalogue. Penned during Thanksgiving dinner by the ever-talented Patty Ho and myself is the first musical number, which still lacks music. Please enjoy the open-source, non-copyright, non-trademarked "Song of Dahren," tentatively subtitled "I want my tree house back (I don't wanna grow up)." Dahren is pictured lower center.

Dahren's Song

I used to turn tables, now I rock farm to table.
My decks used to spin hardcore, now I hand-sand my hardwood floors,
and smoke weed on my Huron deck -
did I mention my cousin's friend is friends with Blind Pilot?

I went out looking for truffles, but freeganism found me
dumpster diving in second-hand Dickies and my mum's paisley blouse,
in the middle of a forest, by a tall oak tree,
with a cast of other spirits in our flannel Urban tees, in Portland.

The great highs I once sought were just
lows of false choices
made in a community of myself.

I just layer on foraged clothes, like the fads that I seek,
rock my mossy beard, slackline through mid-adulthood
I've got a t-shirt with Hemingway on it, and might read him one day
I hear he's concise, knows all about sea shells - that's neat, too.

I want my tree house back, I want to build a ladder to tomorrow
a tomorrow with neat bands and soy dandelion lattes
and an honest humanity to see in me their skinny-jeansed reflection
animals of this earth in Her boughs playing Scrabble.

The great highs I once sought were just
lows of false choices
made in a community of myself.
Great highs I sought
just lows of false choices
a community of myself
[to fade]

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Haircut aftermath

The semi-annual haircut has taken place, and in spite of having the same hairdresser, the same source material, and the same time-slot (allowing for possible changes in lighting, crowdedness and din of salon), the end result was underwhelming.

Although I presented the below hair-spiration:

I wound up with this:

And while such a go-get-em, power to ovaries haircut might suit someone as high-flying and fond of reinvention as Gwyneth, it does not suit my retiring, non-ground-breaking personality. Gywneth's "Sliding Doors" haircut is a fashion-leap made only by women at the peak of confidence; usually post-nuptials, or post-breakup, and fanned by hyperbolic girlfriends. It also reminds me of the insta-glam "Us Weekly"/"New Idea" look Olympic swimmers often wind up with after they win a medal and become famous. It's a look I patriotically term the angry echidna.

Much like Liesel Jones, I just go out there every day to do the best I can, and make my mum proud. And really, my life is quite normal.

But it did get me thinking about the futility of cutting hair, as alluded to by Tom Stoppard in his incomparable "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead." The haircut, anticipated months in advance, is the venerate "Godot" we are all waiting for; the haircut that will right wrong relationships, communicate a more positive you to the world, and absolve genetic/spot problems with the chin and jaw area (i.e. definition, lack thereof). The haircut allows an individual the chance to transcend their normal Olympic lives, and posit briefly the idea of "denying death" through the immortality a great cut bestows upon its wearer (see Ernest Becker, Jennifer Aniston).

However, things go awry quickly, having reached the salon. First, one is forced to confront their material self in a full-length mirror, while seated thighs first toward it, much like Atreyu must confront his true self in the Magic Mirror Gate on the way to the Southern Oracle.

Having faced and conquered small foreheads and pink complexions, you may then continue on to the "color" portion of the appointment. This is a crap shoot, as your head is covered in foil for the duration, and then you are whisked away from the Mirror to a hot rocket hat while the dye "develops." Then comes the creepy head massage. Then the haircut. At this point, even if you are aware that a hairdresser is taking liberties with the chopping of hair, there is nothing that you can do, no sound you can utter to undo a cut too short. Once it is happening, you have boarded the flight to Heathrow, and there is no letting you off until you hit the faux-Pommy accent and start dating John Hannah.

At this point, all that is left for you to do is acquiesce the ghastly charge for this service, and carry your Kate Gosselin Halloween wig do out into the world with the confidence of a newly married pair of ovaries.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The resignation curtain-bringer-downer

Well, the deed is done! I have severed the corporate umbilical cord that has bridged my immature career-self with the nutrients of COBRA, Blue Cross, a payslip and Post-it supply these past two years. In fact, it turns out I had the poor taste to actually quit on the second anniversary of my joining the firm, as a colleague pointed out (we have not yet figured out why this monument to my longevity was in her Outlook calendar).
So, like a tedious and poorly cast Broadway show, I am moving into the final month, toward the final mash of sundry "reprise"-es, and a celebration of the composite memories of my historic time in this cubicle by the other cube-mates pissed that I will likely leave them with more work.
I am buoyed my decision to remain frank and honest in my resignation letter, an epistle that began thus:

I regret that December 17 will be my last day at FMI. I have recently made the decision with my husband to take a great, unbidden leap into the unknown; to move to New York City and pursue work in the world of the creative, unorthodox and eccentric, or to answer phones and bus tables - whichever opportunity comes knocking first.
In other news, here is what the NY Times calls the "turducken of desserts", the cherpumple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp4yWTLIPaE