Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas lighting - two ways

Some people prefer to defile the essence of Christmas through a traditional vomit-spray of lighting, as in the below. Those who tend toward the latest greatest in tiny-bulbed Christmas wattage seem to have cottoned onto a fire sale for blue, green and red peppered lighting strings this year at Home Depot. The blue dominates on the eves, fences and trees of people so compelled to up the ante on their nighttime festive displays:

Or, you can choose to embrace the limits of your budget and ladder, and celebrate in a low-key, grass-rootsy kind of way. Here, the owners of this S. Milwaukee Street property have comprehensively captured the contours of the trunks of two fruit trees, and have decried the option to attempt illumination of the branches as not worth their trouble. In the process, I wonder if they haven't subverted our very expectations of Christmas lighting. In lighting the branches, the heights of a tree's reach, are we not subscribing to an elitist selectory that values only the "high" the "lofty"? Below, the reverse is celebrated: a lack of funds, a lack of cord, a lack of time, generally, or will to navigate the disagreeable branches of a mid-sized tree. Instead, we are left with a definitive statement about man's vantage on salvation. "Hurry up and decorate thy trees before Boardwalk Empire comes back on." Seems to be the canticle of the honest residents of Cory-Merrill neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"The anarchist bookstore fired me, so screw them" - Jem's song

Jem's Song

Don't call me Jeremy, Mom, I call myself "Jem."
I had it on my nametag in the bookstore back when
I dished rare ed comics and spun vinyl to the plebs
"Anarchist bookstores have opening hours too," is what my boss said.

It's an anarchist bookstore, why'd it matter if I'm late?
The goths aren't going nowhere, their kohl pencil can wait
sleeping in was just civil disobedience, a disguised rise against
but Reiner, slave of "business hours," didn't get what it meant.

Why was I sleeping? You want to ask.
Um, have you ever fallen asleep after drinking a cask?
The white zin was white magic as we drank in our pile
my flannelette shirt rubbed against hers to beguile

It was totally worth skipping my shift
our skinny naked bodies set all adrift
in all-natural fibres, my spring awakening
then getting high again after some more brownie baking

What am I doing now I'm unemployed?
Ma, money enchains us all, it's a government ploy
I'm living the organic life my mother intended
mother nature, that is, sorry if I upended

your predictable commitment to the status quo
Mom, I made my own jam, look how far I will go!
I'm thinking of starting a business around ginger
ginger purses and shoes - say my landlord's a real stinger

could you maybe help me with my artist loft rent?
I had some rupees but on ginger they're spent
I got fired from my job at the anarchist bookstore
... when a hipster angel stole my heart, she broke anarchist law.